Thursday, January 20, 2011

"cleaning" up my act

I haven't done laundry since Sunday. I have lots of ironing waiting for me too. When I get home after work and after doing all of the kids other things, it's all I can do to cook dinner. I made a 2 week menu on Saturday with the intention of not eating out and not going back to Wal-Mart (with the exception of bread and milk which I will do at a local store out here) til the first of the month. It was close today, but I've made it.

Back to my other point. I see how easy it would be to become a hoarder. Not really a hoarder but one of those people that live in junk. I don't like it. It's not me, it stresses me out to have my place messy but lately I'm slacking and I haven't really cared. (I've been known to take half a day off just to clean my house.)

So after a day like today: working, visit-teaching, picking up McKay and going to her contest award ceremony (which she won honorable mention and received $10 out of the entire city of seventh graders with 381 essays submitted. As she said best, "It's getting paid to do my homework.") and then picking up the kids. I came home to a disaster. I'm sure you don't believe me but it was. Dishes and dinner out from the night before, counters piled from Jacob doing homework late at night, untidy bedrooms, games and toys out and dirty laundry piled high in my bedroom. I delegated most jobs as I did a few, sorted laundry, and got dinner ready and now my upstairs is spotless. Its amazing how fast my kids have learned to help. I used to do it all by myself because I liked it done my way but now it's different. If having a busy and complicated life has taught me anything its that my kids need to learn how to work too. Kirsten will often complains that McKay didn't have to do this at her age. Lucky her that she knows how to do it at a younger age than McKay.

So while I spend the weekend doing loads of laundry (it's one thing that I still do as I'm very picky on how it's done) and my kids putting it away, and as we are trying out a new recipe, (chicken cacciatori) we'll be playing games as I've promised the kiddos, one being Monopoly.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Fixin' for better opportunities

Since the cat is trying to get out of the bag here, Maybe this will make sense.
Here we come. Trying to get to greener (and warmer) sides.

When: June 2011
Where: Austin, TX

Maybe this makes a little more sense to a few of you.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Star of the Week

Cruz was Star of the Week in school. Making these posters always remind how fast they are growing up.

Monday, January 10, 2011

On Tuesday, the caterpillar ate through....

As Jacob and I were sitting at our computers late at night over a week ago, we heard a tiny little voice reading "The Very Hungry Caterpillar." I went back to the kids bedroom and Katanya had turned on her light (it was almost 10:30 p.m.) and gotten her caterpillar to read it a bedtime story. This book has always been a favorite of all our kids. McKay had it memorized at the age of three. So when Kohl's had their "$5 specials" for both the animal and the hard cover book, we couldn't pass it up.

Friday, January 07, 2011

I looked out the window and what did I see?

A moose running through our property.
Yesterday morning after the girls got on the bus I went to make sure Jacob was out of bed when I saw a moose crossing the fields. I've heard of moose coming around before but it's been a long time since I've seen one here. I love (some) of the wildlife we have here. The elk herds are up the road in the potato fields but we have yet to go up and look at them. At this time of year it helps to have four wheel drive. The not so nice parts; last summer we had a mountain lion hit a couple miles away from our house.

This brings me to another resolution I had on my list; to take more pictures. I've been lucky and at the family outings we have lots of members who do but I've slacked off. So instead of sitting and wishing that I had had a telephoto lens for my camera to zoom in on the moose, I'll put it to action to justify saving up and getting one someday.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Finding the Christmas Spirit

Christmas came and went at lightening speed. With all of Jacob's finals and projects (straight A's once again!) the month of December was gone before we knew it.
We did our normal traditions, singing and the candles on Sunday evenings,
and the new ornament with a family picture on the Christmas Tree. We decided for the year of 2010 to do a saddle as I went back to work at a Saddle Company.

I had a hard time finding the Christmas spirit this year. Our lives has been a whirlwind and I'm still trying to pick up the pieces. It wasn't until we went to church the Sunday before Christmas and I listened to the Christmas program. It was what I needed. Kirsten wrote a poem that same sacrament meeting that I want to share with this post. It amazes me how big of a spirit that such a small person has.

Look, did you see the new shiny star that holy night?
Or did you see Mary's happy face?
Did you see the animals or the angels up high?
Did you see Jesus being so calm?
Did you hear the angels singing?
Did you see the three wise men or the shepherds?
Did you hear the sheep or the camels?
Did you see the gold and silver?
I did not hear or see any of these things,
But I've been learning about them and I believe.


Monday, January 03, 2011

Mmmmm.... Turkey.

Thanksgiving last year was all about the food. Almost everything was homemade. Rolls, 16 pies, the turkey, 10 lbs of mashed potatoes, the gravy (not the stuffing). It makes me tired just thinking about it. By the time it came time to eat, I just wanted my head to hit the pillow.
I hate to brag, but this turkey was the BEST turkey I have ever tasted, and yes Jacob agreed too. The first day it brined in orange juice and salt. The second day it marinated with herbs, spices, and orange and lemon slices. Then it was cooked with different vegetables, spices, herbs, and a bottle of champagne. Axel was excited about Thanksgiving so I was instructed to get a large turkey. It was 22 pounds.
The two youngest sat at a small table next to us. Sparkling cider is always a request on this special dinner.
Hannah and Maddy also joined us for the weekend of fun. I really enjoy when family visits!
And we didn't forget the candy game, although we substituted paper plates for the board. It worked just as good.

Saturday, January 01, 2011


We are welcoming the New Year with smiles and new "steps."
It's been a long 2010 and I've fallen behind on a lot of things, blogging being one of them. Not only with my own blog but I've slacked off on reading and keeping updated on others too. The last two months have been packed with fun and activities and I didn't get any of it on my blog. So I guess you can see where this is going.....
Resolutions. Yes "blogging" is near the top of my list. Along with a lot of personal goals as well. I want simplicity this year. Nothing extreme. Just goals I can reach and know I'm not wasting my time.

Onto the family pictures. Of course, Jacob and I agree to disagree on which one to choose so I would like some outsider opinions. Number 1 or Number 2?
I always have learned the hard way. The lesson learned here was not to wear heels (especially 5 inchers) while climbing rocks. It doesn't work.

(Family pictures courtesy of Betsy. She did a great job since we were on a time crunch and the sun was not in the right place.)