McKay asked me a couple weeks ago why we didn't have an updated family picture. (And then a follow up question why we didn't have pictures like her friend's family.) The answers: I didn't have one for the first question, but the second was because I didn't want to pay for a studio one.
So once again, I asked Betsy to take some family pictures for us. She took our last ones....a year and a half ago.
She does an amazing job!
So here are some of my favorites....
....and some of the "personalities."
Jake didn't really want to smile but with McKay's techniques I'm afraid she just took over the job as his "smiling coach. (Sorry Pete.)
Her secret....
Great photos - somehow anything but studio shots are the best!!
mckay you are a genius! The last photo of jake and Amy is fantastic! Also I love the family one with cruz looking grmupy.
cute hair cut McKay:)
So you will have to explain more about the "I'm a Mormon" shirt! Your pictures are so cute and you of course look beautiful!
There is a HUGE ad campaign that was getting into Austin (trial cities for the church) for Look up the commercials or videos that say I'm a Mormon. So the bishop bought our Youth and leaders shirt in January. I had so many parents want more for their kids and for them that I made another order but I ordered 250 plus extra to get a big price discount. So many people wear them down here. All of my YW wear them to school and everywhere else. It's pretty cool. On the back says I've had a ton of positive comments. We wore them with Jake's sister to six flags in San Antonio and people were asking me if I knew certain people that were mormon or that they had met. Several asked where they could get some themselves. Anyway....that's the story.
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