Wednesday, December 07, 2005


We made it to Maui yesterday after a VERY LONG plane ride. We left Salt Lake at 7:30, flew to Texas, and then to Hawaii. Just from Texas to Hawaii was 8 hours. Needless to say we survived. We are now relaxing and getting ready to go to the beach for the first of MANY trips.

All the rumors are true. Hawaii is gorgeous. That is just from what we have seen from the air and the ride to our hotel. I am also impressed with where we are staying. They have A/C in every room. All the accomedies such as DVD, dishwasher, washer and dryer, high speed internet, a nice pool and all that stuff.

Needless to say the time zone has thrown me off. My kids survived it just fine. We are three hours behind Idaho. Kirsten went to bed yesterday at 8 pm and didn't wake up today until 9 am. WOW. I am not used to it yet. That and McKay's school calls everyday to tell me she's is absent no matter how many times I tell the secretary we won't be back 'til after Christmas.

Finally, we will post pics as we go along on our vacation. I am looking forward to eating fresh pineapple as I have heard it is delicious! We are also looking forward to seeing Betsy in a week! Enjoy your holidays!


Betsy said...

I'm jealous. IT is a whopping 26 degrees right now in Austin. Very cold. But don't worry - it is supposed to be in the 60's again by saturday. That's texas for you! Have fun at the beach

Hester said...

yay!! have fun!!