Friday, January 18, 2008

New Year's Resolutions.....(torture)

or should I say Crazy New Years Resolutions..... ....So of course, we were in Texas for New Years and Betsy and I made a few goals. One of my (mine being the key word) major ones for this is 2008 and 2008. I have to give all the credit to Betsy on this creative idea. I modified my goal however and instead of miles I am running kilometers knowing how my summers can get..... now I have to give Nate credit for the GREAT daily progress program he made. Figuring I run 4.4 miles (7 kilometers) each day, 6 days a week, I will have my goal met by the end of November. This gives me 30 days out of the year that I can miss do to traveling or such. Believe it or not, when I go to update the sheet, just seeing all the different numbers on where I am and keeping my in the "green" makes me want to go run even more.
I am happy to say, 18 days into it, and I am on track! Jake and I bought a treadmill at Sears and have been able start training (Jake is actually training this year. He has his "own" goal for Moab.) and I am able to keep up with my 2008 in 2008.
Along with my other goals, I have outlawed my soda. No carbination at all! When midnight came, I dumped all of my diet Pepsi down the sink and said a tearful goodbye. Then on the night of New Year's me and "someone that will not be named" made a bet of no "sugar sweets". These two goals made the car ride home a VERY LONG one.

As of right now, I am successful at this. Although I haven't set a date of how long.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Those are awesome goals!! Props to you!