Saturday, November 07, 2009


Cruz has graduated from the Kerksiek (Jacob) smile! That and I fell in love with my camera all over again. My friend Loni, let me come use her studio (and knowledge and lenses) and photograph my two youngest yesterday morning. She has a camera just like mine so she was able to help me with the aperture and all the different settings. I think this time the explanations have stuck. I just need to get out and practice everyday.

He was happy, easy, giggly, and fun to work with. The first picture was my favorite. I have to say, this is definitely the way to go!

P.S. For those that are interested, my little brother finally joined the blogging world. My family is just a little sllllllooooowww. His blog is


grannybabs said...

Not sure what the "Kerksiek smile" is, but he definitely looks like his dad - and his uncles too!

Marissa said...

I need you to come photog my kids.