Thursday, April 06, 2006

We left to go pick up some sandwiches. When we came back 20 minutes later, Jake had torn down the wall. We left after dinner (school night) and Jake has torn down all of it. All in a day's work. Posted by Picasa


Betsy said...

I'm looking forward to seeing all the progress on the house. I have been looking at acreage and old houses out here too. I have the same plan in mind. Unfortunately it is not in Nate's mind yet. I'm working on it. I found the perfect 15 acres with trees and rolling hills and creek...even a living establishment (albeit a mobile one). Now Nate just needs to see the light!

Hester said...

sounds like you guys are having fun.

Felipe and Erika said...

Jake, do you remember when dad knocked out the walls in our Riverton house and he let us use the hammers! That was so much fun! Way to keep on with tradition!

Alice said...

It is always fun to demolish. It is just the putting back together stage that is a lot of work and money. Good Luck. We will be excited to see the finished product.

mary said...

We did the samr thing to our house in Tracy,Calif. We should of covered everything though. Got dust everywhere. Ours was a brand new house. We knocked down two walls to make the family room bigger. We made it into a greatroom. It was so much better for the kids and living conditions.

Betsy said...

I like the new picture mom!