Saturday, July 08, 2006

Fun with the cousins!

On the night of the fourth, we went down by the greenbelt and watched the "big" firework show. The kids played around on the lawn while we waited for the show to start. It was a big display and lots of fireworks but unforetunately it didn't hold their attention. The kids had more fun riding and playing horsey with Axel. It was a nightmare getting out of downtown in the traffic.

Late the next day, we went out to the house and let the kids play on the Power Wheels Toys. Amalia loved the Bobcat and Jeep. She had on a big smile! Kirsten took the Jeep out in the mud and made Axel come get her. Luckily Axel was a good sport. He also pushed Cruz around in the little Tike car. What would we do without him? Karolina played also but was a 'little' afraid of the kitten. I heard I have Felipe to thank for that....????

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