Friday, January 19, 2007

My CRAZY but very OPINIONATED little sweatheart

Cruz is very stubborn....just like his dad. He has certain things that are wierd but have to be his way. For example: he has to wear a shirt underneath his sleepers. He has to pick out his own outfits in the morning. You have to use gel and not mousse on his hair. He also flipped out today when he got out of the tub and he had pruney hands because he had been playing in the water for too long. He will only eat off of the green bowl or the green plate. You wonder where he gets this from? Although he is my sweatheart and knows how to make me smile. Yes....he is sleeping again....on top of the toys.


Hester said...

how do you fall asleep on top of toys? i love it! also i have no idea where cruz stubborn streak comes from. it must be a smith thing

Kaahl said...

that does sound likes someone i know...."I can't believe that."

bonny with a Y said...

i totally understand the shirt under the sleepers thing - sleepers are so itchy.

Donna said...

that looks so uncomfortable! kids really can sleep anywhere