Sunday, June 19, 2011

one piece at a time

Jacob and I started a puzzle late Friday night.

It was an unspoken word that we weren't going to bed until it was finished.

We finished but paid for it the next morning. I think I'm getting too old too stay up doing stuff like this.


grannybabs said...

I have never understood the lure of puzzles - but there is obviously a lure!! (However, I've stayed up late for a good book - and paid the next day and then sworn I'd never do it again. Age may have its perks, but there's a downside too!!)

Laura said...

oh i love puzzles! that looks like fun one. man you guys stayed up llllate!!!!

Mom of 12 said...

I'm no good at puzzles, but my oldest could be a competitor. And my 2-year-old can put together a 24-piece floor puzzle by himself!