Sunday, February 10, 2013

I've always been one that hated waiting.

18 and a half Weeks! 
(Check out the new foot header.)
We couldn't wait any longer.  We snuck a peek on Saturday.  
It's a GIRL!
We are all so excited.  The kids loved being able to see her and her profile and her crossing her ankles and moving her toes.  
Cruz wanted a brother but was quick to say, "Yay, I'm the only one that gets my own room in the house."
We have our official "anatomy" ultrasound in a little less than two weeks.

I really hate taking pictures of me while I'm pregnant so I'm trying to do it for the first time with this little one. 


chelon:) said...

so excited for you and your family!

grannybabs said...

"Thank heaven for little girls!!"

Carly Mitchell said...

Yay!!!!!!!!!! Girls are the best! so cute!

Hester said...

Congratulations Amy and Jake! I'm excited for you guys. and excited for Cruz that he gets to have his own room : )

Alice said...
