Wednesday, October 03, 2007

"Please bless us that we may take what we have learned and use it in our daily lives."

Sunday's combined RS / Priesthood lesson was on the "How hard is it to keep the commandments?" The bishopric spent the entire time just doing a review of Moses' 10.

THOU SHALT NOT KILL! ... well I guess I had better try harder next week.

Tonight at around 6pm Amy was on her way out to run an errand and said that she was taking my new truck because I had hers torn apart. I told her that I would hurry and put hers back together to which she said " OH I SEE ... YOU DON'T WANT TO LET ME DRIVE YOUR NEW TRUCK!"

As I opened the door and walked outside I turned back and said that I just wanted her to see if I had fixed hers. In the course of my turning and talking I had taken a few steps outside ... when I turned forward again I was about 4' from the rear end of an angry SKUNK! She had decided to come nibble on some cat food. I had a heart attack ... I stumbled for the door and barely made it back inside. Amy asked what was wrong as I ran to the safe and was fumbling with the combo. Adrenilin kept me from performing at top speed and the skunk got away ....

BUT ALAS! I know skunks and once they have found a good spot to feed you might as well adopt them. So I figured I would wait a few hours till it came back and then take care of it ... the last thing a guy wants is to walk into that as he is trying to get the groceries and the kids out of the car.

Round two had no results ... so I prepared for round three .... kids in bed, guns ready at the door, shoes on my feet ..... 11:15 pm ....3, 2, 1 ... throw the lights and the door and come out blazing. It was a total "Die Hard" moment. All that I can say is ... ONE SHOT ... of course the fact that it was a shotgun helped.

The only downfall ... my bedroom window was open and the wind was blowing that direction about 30 MPH. So I guess I will be PEPE LE PIEU for the night.


amy k said...

I had never seen Jake so scared when he came running back into the house.

Glad it was him and not me. I would have probably ran right into it.

Alice said...

I hope that your neighbors weren't in bed yet. What a "blast" to wake you up. Glad the skunk is no longer in existence.

Keli said...

Holy crap! You guys are always up to something. Road trip, murder, what's next? You'll have to do a road trip to Wisconsin in the summer.

traci said...

and to think Jeff and I are thinking Idaho would be a good place to move to.

Skunks? I don't know if I could handle that.