Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Fanny the Nanny (goat)

I always, emphasis on "always" get sick when Jake is gone. I don't know why that is, but it's not very much fun. So while my day has been very lazy and the kids have watched way too much TV today, I'll hurry up and finish my goat saga from last week.

We were missing the big goat. Her name is not Franny, but maybe it will be now. She's not a very nice goat. I really don't like her that much either. I'm not sure to this day why I really thought to get goats, other than it was a quick fix. Didn't think that one thru.

So (last) Sunday morning, around 5 a.m. I hear a goat bleating. As I lay in bed I noticed how loud it was. I got up and went to the window to listen. It was too loud. I figured the big goat had come back to the smaller one. I woke Jake up and told him if I'm not back in a half hour to come find me. I'm not sure if I was really thinking clearly other than that goat had caused us a lot of grief. So I get on the four wheeler and grab the lasso (not really awake and thinking) and go off to where the little goat was. Lo and behold, there is Franny. Looking at me like she wanted to run into the barley fields again. There was no way I was going to let her get past me. As 20 minutes go by I am chasing this stupid animal on the four wheeler thinking my neighbor is really going to HATE me now and wondering why Jake hasn't come out yet.

Finally after what seemed like an never ending and pointless scenario, Jake shows up. In the back of his mind he thought he would find me asleep. Little did he know, how much adrenaline can keep a person awake. So now both of us are chasing this nanny. Not really knowing how we are going to corner it. Finally it ran over to the dirt piles. It was trapped. At this point, Jake and I are off the four wheelers and it was now or never. Franny ran under the wheel loader and Jake grabbed her leg. I ran around to the other side and leashed the beast. The chase was over. I really would have loved pictures or even better footage of this event. I felt like an idiot.

Although, I was pretty sad I never got the chance to try to lasso the critter. Did I mention that Jake doesn't know how to lasso? Someones gotta teach this country boy a lesson. : )


Earl and Vickie said...

So does this mean that you are back too two goats? I'm a little hazy on the chronology here.....

amy k said...

I told you I was sick. Things didn't make too much sense. Yes we are now back to 2 goats.

traci said...

Life is always matter what our stories.