Monday, July 14, 2008

Here's your sign

Tuesday: I'm getting ready to leave for Utah when the county shows up and says that we have noxious weeds in the back acres of land that we have. I ask her "so in reality terms, my husband is leaving out of town, what am I really suppose to do?" She replies, " Get two goats, it's considered pasture and I can't touch you." I scrambled thru the thrifty nickel and find two half pigmy goats. It's taken care of.

Thursday: As I am stuck in Salt Lake's wonderful traffic, Jake's dumptruck driver calls. This is his conversation.

"The weirdest thing happened. You know that stake you have out by your trees? Two goats wondered by there and got tangeled up with their leashes. So I undid the collars and let them go thinking they would find there way home. (Here's your sign.)

Jake: "WHAT!!!!! Did you not notice the collars and leashes on the T-post. Did you not stop to think they were mine?" He then proceeded to tell him what a headache and a mess he had caused.

We have neighboring endless barly fields, not too mention over 10,000 trees and shrubs. Also one neighbor who tends not too like us that much. I think he was the whole reason we had to get the goats.

So a couple of quick phone calls from Jake and I to neighbors and friends and they were able to catch the smallest (baby) goat that evening. The other goat was full grown but not the mother to the baby. I guess we were out of luck. be continued.


Earl and Vickie said...

I don't think it's very nice that you have your neighbors and friends out chasing goats at 5:30 am and then call them idiots.........

I mean really. :)

amy k said...

No, on Thursday afternoon they were chasing our goats...... different idiots were chasing them on Sunday.

bonny with a Y said...

maybe you should get a nanny for your goats

Roy said...

Brenna and I love reading your guys are hilarious.

I've never heard of the county getting called on someone for having noxious weeds in the acres behind their home... Last time I was in the metropolis of Ririe, it looked like half of the people could have used some goats to take care of their front yards.