Friday, April 11, 2008

A letter from the teacher

Just how much does people know about your family? Leave it to the kids to tell them. Yesterday, McKay brought home an envelope from her teacher. I pulled it out and there was a post it note reading "I thought this was hillarious. I just adore Mckay. What a spirit she has! I'm glad I'm no the only one raising a drama queen." Signed, her teacher.

I unfolded the paper and this is what it said (McKay's words)

My writing assignment

"I tried to clean my room. But then my sister came down and started bawling because I was picking up our toys. Then she went and hid and I continued to clean. My dad was upstairs on the computer and heard her crying. He called her and then she told him what I was doing. Then I started crying and hid. Everytime Kirsten tried to come in I would yell 'Out! Out! Out! Out! Out! Out!' Then she told my dad what I was doing (again). My dad called me and I didn't go. He called me again. This time I put a blanket over me. My dad made me take it off though. I had to go up. I hid on a stair and I started crying again. Then I went in and called Kirsten a big fat tattle tale. I started arguing and called my dad a FIVE HEADED PIG EATER! Then my mom started laughing [I will insert here and say that Jake was egging her on. He was provoking the matter.] I called my dad a five headed pig eater because he said cleaning my room was not service. I had to do service for homework from school. But doing this gave me an even more bad day. (At school when I was coming home, I ran into a boy in my class and hit his forehead with my nose.) So that gave me a bloody nose. I got it on my white coat too. My nose is still sore. After I called my dad a five headed pig eater, my mom took me. She told me to brush my teeth. I said when Kirsten was out I would. After the prayer, I did my service. I unloaded the dishwasher. So I got my homework done. In bed I wrote this paper. I didn't want my mom to catch me because she would take my lamp away for a week. My mom had turned on the radio. As I was listening, the radio said reading in a poor light would not damage your eyes, only strain them! My mom said it did damage them. So I went upstairs to tell her. I told her I wanted a hug. Then I told her. She laughed. She was eating a popcicle. She took a bite and I started eating the rest. My dad caught me of course. Then I said I had a headache in my nose. He gave me Tylenol. I went downstairs to right this story. I'm glad reading in poor light doesn't hurt your eyes. P.S. It is true!"

I couldn't help but smile. (McKay is my one child that when she is tired, she can't handle any bit of stress. That is why bedtime is so important at my house.)


Laura said...

Okay that was hilarious!
I especially love the part about how the lamp would be taken away for a week- and the headache in the nose was funny.

How cute the teacher sent this home with a cute note!
And great science project too!

And agree with the kisses!

Laura said...

Okay that was hilarious!
I especially love the part about how the lamp would be taken away for a week- and the headache in the nose was funny.

How cute the teacher sent this home with a cute note!
And great science project too!

And agree with the kisses!

N8ster said...

Your house is not the only house where bedtime is important. Our kids are each different. Isaac gets into trouble when he is tired--a lot of trouble. Hazel just cries and cries. Aspen is complete ornery the next day if she doesn't get enough sleep.

Toby would stay awake until 2:00 am every night reading if we left him, and would probably be OK the next day. Last night, at 11:00 he was up reading with his lamp. I went up to take his book away. I said, "Do I just need to take your lamp?" He replied, "that would probably work better," so I took his lamp.

amy k said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one that threatens / or takes away lamps.

amy k said...

Also, the lamp was gone but did you check for flashlights? I've had to take those away also.