Friday, April 04, 2008

Money, money, money

They say money can't buy you happiness. Whoever said this must not have had "real" bills (as Jake puts it.)
I really depise paying bills. It just never puts me in a happy mood. I tend to leave it to the last possible minute that I can. It's not the fact that they are too high. It's the reason that it all disappears so fast. I guess in my little mind, I wish that everything were a lot cheaper or even free, maybe we all do. I've even organized it that I only have to sit down ONCE a month and pay them. So why is it such a negative experience?
Four years a go we had our bills down to less than $2000 (not including gas) a month. We didn't have a car payment nor any credit cards. We even had a few extras like a cell phone, dishnetwork, and the internet. Even then I hated paying bills. Now with a growing business, there are a few more expenses but still my debt is kept low. Jake and I still believe that if we can't pay for it we can't afford it. Credit isn't really an option. After seeing how much interest we wasted right after we got married, I will never throw money away like that again. I guess it comes down to the point that I just have a hard time letting go.
So as I end the post, I have paid my last bill for the month of April. My bank account is drained once again. So long til next month, I'm heading off to the post office.


N8ster said...

I hated paying bills too, until last month.

I have completely automated 90% of our bills. I set up a separate yahoo e-mail account for all my bills. I have transferred as many of my bills as possible to electronic statements. I have also set them all up on autopay. My utilities are all paid by one credit card, and that credit card is set to automatically pay off my checking account. I have one utility that doesn't have autopay as an option, and I just paid double, so I won't even have to pay that next month. The best part is I don't have to worry about some important bill getting stuck at the bottom of the pile of mail. That really used to stress me out, and I hated it.

amy k said...

I have a lot on online pay also. Just because it's easier, faster, and cheaper. That and I hate writing checks. Except I haven't set them up as auto pay. We never know when the customers will pay us. I guess that's a benefir of having a "dependable" paycheck : )

traci said...

I am with you there. We've automated almost all of our bills - but you still have to balance and make sure the money is there. It's not exactly a coast - but you don't have to pay for postage!!!

Sometimes I feel like the other "bills" kill me even more! You know, like clothes, shoes, sporting activities, christmas, birthdays, vacations and just things!!

While some things come with their own reward it can seem like all money does is flow out!!

(As for my "trip" with the kids I've tried it before with awful results. This time my choices were limited and Anna really had only two shirts that fit her! The three stores were pretty close. I parked at one and we walked between them. I think that helped.)

Laura said...

I agree it is annoying! I hate seeing all that hard earned money leave my account. I also agree credit cards SUCK. So impressive you guys are so disciplined and buy with cash!!!

bonny with a Y said...

but at least blogging is free!