Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Ever So Fine and Turning Nine!

Happy Birthday to McKay! Since we weren't "around" when she was born, I decided this year to put a few baby shots in.
McKay is NINE today! I have a hard time believing how time has gone by like a blink of the eye. Today I ran around like crazy from running Jake's errands, hauling equipment, to getting last gifts, and of course buying ice cream to go with the cake. During this time, it allowed me to think back and remember a little on the day I had McKay. We all know she was my first child, but she was my firsts in a lot of things. A first with:
  • Being pregnant. I wasn't sick a day. Bless her little soul!
  • Eating whatever I wanted. Literally, I was too naive to understand, you really aren't suppose to eat for two.
  • Gaining A LOT of weight. Really, I'm not over exaggerating, cheeseburgers can catch up with you too easy. (60 pounds I tell you! Felipe and Erika once saw an "after" picture. It was of McKay's blessing. Felipe looked at the picture and then asked me "Who's holding McKay?" It was me, sniff sniff. Since then, I haven't allowed myself to be heavier than Jake with any of the remaining three children.)
  • Experiencing child birth. She was my only child that the epidural worked.
  • Being a mom! She was the EASIEST baby!!!! Sleeping the night, eating, and was just a happy child! She was so "perfect" my boss let me bring her back to work for the first 6 months.
  • Going to school. I thought it would have been hard but it was easy! With her loving to learn and loving school, I have never had to ask her to do homework, read, or anything in that area.
  • Being baptized. We have loved her interest in the gospel.

McKay was 6 lbs. 2 oz. The second heaviest of my four.

McKay had her first tooth at a little over 2 months old. She was crawling by 7 months and walking at 9 months. You can see once she put her mind to something, she would get it done.

We love her and the beautiful girl she is growing up to be! Happy Birthday!


Keli said...

Oh, how sweet. It seems like all our children are special, but the first is special for different reasons. I heard somewhere that your first is special for making you a mother, and the others are special for making you a better mother.

Laura said...

Awe so sweet and cute! They grow up too fast!